Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What's your favorite part of Christmas? The food? The family gatherings? The presents? I find all of these things enjoyable, but you can get the same experiance with other holidays. So what sets Christmas apart from the number of occasions that we celebrate?

The only answer is the birth of Jesus. Our Saviour was born in this season and we must not forget the true meaning of Christmas this year. It's easy to get lost in the baking and wrapping and decorating, but maybe take the time to think about why we celebrate at all. Would we even have Christmas if it weren't for God sending his Son down to Earth that day? Would we really have a day where everyone buys each other presents for no reason? In the midst of all our material concerns and joys, there's a reason for that Christmas spirit. Let's rejoice and celebrate God's gift to us. After all, it is the most wonderful time of the year :)

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