Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is this how we want the world to see God's love??

Recently I've had more than one person throw this picture/text in my face.
Frankly, I think it's really sad that this is how they think we live our lives, and in some cases, how Christians really do live their lives. I posted a defense to one of links to this picture once but I wanted to beef it up a bit. Because it really stirred me up once I thought about it and went, "wait a minute. But that's not how I live. That's not what my faith does to me...
Take a look at the picture and tell me what you think of it. Here are my thoughts.
I do not live my life in guilt. I have been set free by the love of God and the sacrifice of His son. Some Christians really do need to understand that. God doesn't want us to feel guilty, that's why He forgave us and cleansed our sins. I live my life in freedom, walking in His mercy and grace.
I live a life with my morals that were given to me by God. I got called out for this, the guy said, "They're not your morals, they are God's. You didn't choose them." Well, yes and no. God put those morals into me, but I choose to stick with them every day. If the fact that I got these ideas of right and wrong from God means I am living by someone else's morals, then I guess no one has their own. Because we all learn them from somewhere. I learned mine from my Heavenly Father.
My belief does hold equality, but it depends on how you view being equal. To say men are the same as women is just plain stupid. Men are stronger physically, often spiritually from what I've seen. Women are better at the more sensitive things, raising children, making meals, being tidy. These are roles that genders have taken on because they are good at them. As for homosexuals, I treat them no different. I love them the same as I love any straight person. I'm not going to get into that debate here, but I can say that I have no judgmental attitudes towards them.
I see the world around me. I love it. The difference between a believer and a non-believer when it comes to how we view the world, is that I can look at a sunrise, a beautiful flower or anything I happen to glance at and say, "That was designed to be like that." instead of thinking it just happened. I love science, it never ceases to fascinate me. And God gave us the ability to use our brains and figure out how something happens, but He is the answer to why it happens. I see the world as a truly wonderful, complicated, perfectly designed work of God. And that's more amazing than any scientific test that could be performed.
As for being free, I make my own choices. No one is holding a gun to my head. I could go out and steal something. I could even go kill someone. But I do the things I do because I know what is right and what is wrong and because I love God. I want to please Him. I don't believe in Him because I'm scared of hell. I believe in Him because He's just... there. To deny Him would be like denying air or the world around us. I live my own life as a testament of His love. I make my choices according to what makes God happy because to know that I put a smile on His face makes me happier than anything else I might want to do.
I feel like this is important for anyone to read. Because in these words are my own revelations. As I typed I felt my heart saying, "This makes sense. It gets clearer to me with every click of the keyboard." So tell me your thoughts. Let me know what's on your heart about this issue. And let's show them what God's love is really about.

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