Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nitpicking Ourselves Into Confusion

I'll admit it, sometimes I am picky about details. Well... almost all the time, actually. I need everything to be perfect and to know that I did something completely right. I know a lot of people are like this, and it's definitely not always a bad thing. However, there are certain situations where being picky means frustrating the living daylights out of ourselves, and ultimately causing us to miss the point completely.

I recently saw, on a website where people post opinions and questions about their faith, a guy ask, "are Christian men supposed to shave and are Christian women supposed to 'bob' their hair?". Maybe to some, it's a good question. But honestly, to me, I sat there and stared at it for a few minutes. Is this honestly what we should be wondering about? I mean, come on. Maybe, in that case, I'm wearing the wrong kind of socks, or perhaps I shouldn't take hot showers, or I'm starting to wonder if wearing make-up is wrong... I'm joking of course, but can you see my point?

It's funny how people can get into this huge debate over the little things too. Everyone thinks they have it figured out. We don't. Maybe it is wrong to shave, but it could also be wrong to wear pants instead of skirts. Or maybe vice versa. Who knows? But at the end of the day, we shouldn't worry ourselves with such small details. Don't sit there and ask yourself, "Oh man, I wonder if I will be punished because I shaved my legs today." Instead, focus on the most important thing. Love. God is love and He tells us over and over to love our neighbor, love our parents, love ourselves, love Him. 

So in the end, I think God is concerned with how we walk in love, and won't be too bothered if we got a haircut or not :)

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