Friday, November 25, 2011

What Are You Sitting On Right Now?

     Hi, so I'm sitting on a couch. Yep, a big, soft, cushy couch. It's nice. What about you? What are you sitting on? An office chair? Your bed? A wooden stool? The floor? Maybe a on chair in school while you're supposed to be working on geography questions :P
     Anywhere you are sitting, chances are that you take it for granted. I do. This old, ripped couch I'm curled up on? I don't even think about it most times. I chuck junk mail on it, I toss lunch boxes, binders, purses, even my laptop on it almost every day. It's just... there. But what if it all of a sudden disappeared? Would I notice? Oh yeah. I'd have no place to pile all my junk onto, haha :P
     So a couch or chair or stool or even a floor are some things we take for granted. Whenever we thank God for something, we think of the most basic things that always pop into our head. Like family, friends, food, stuff like that. But where's our gratitude for the little, seemingly insignificant details? Like ceiling fans so that when I burn supper I can disperse the smoke all over the house and diminish the smell :P Or window coverings, so I can sit on my couch in my pj's without my neighbors waving at me as they pass by. Hey, have you ever thanked God for your microwave so you can make pizza pops even if you are in a hurry? The list could go on for forever. Sit still and just look around at all that you have. It's pretty amazing.
     So instead of just repeating those words like, "Thank you, God, for my friends and family and this food," add something else. Thank you, God, for big garbage bags so that I can throw out a really, really big load of trash at once! It's awesome, try it :)

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