Friday, November 25, 2011

It's Just a Movie, It Won't Influence Me.

     I'll admit it, I have a bit of a liking for Dr. Phil. I don't run to turn on the TV when I know his show is on, but I have no trouble flipping to watch him if the tv is already on. So I switched to channel 5 today to see what Dr. Phil was talking about today and was taken by surprise. He was talking to two actors from a religious movie. They were talking about faith. And no matter how much that surprised me, what I, myself, almost did surprised me even more. I almost changed the channel.
     See, whether the show is really dramatic or just a little, we get sucked in. I don't watch his shows on child molesters or cheating spouses, but even the ones where he has lippy mother-in-laws I find funny. But when there is an episode with no drama, just pure faith-centered discussion  I nearly turn it off. It was eye opening.
     We really need to be more careful what we allow in our homes. Mostly in regards to what we watch and listen to. How many of you watch a movie and just ignore the swearing? What about when a movie has an overall bad message? What are you getting from the shows you watch? See, you can say that you won't let the words you hear come out of your own mouth. And when you are calm and clear minded, yeah, you can control yourself. But what happens when you get angry or excited? Those things slip out and you didn't even know they were in your head. What you listen to and what you see goes into your mind.
     You may say, "but there are no good movies without swearing!" First of all, if you watch movies that are playing on TV, it's most likely censored. They are pretty good that way. Second, there are TONS of good, clean movies. You just have to do your research and look around. Don't just go to the "popular" movies.
     Stand up for what you believe in. Don't compromise on entertainment, search for positive influences in your life. Wanna check out a great film? Try the movie "Have a Little Faith". It's the one that was on Dr. Phil and looks like a real winner :)

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