Friday, December 16, 2011

Good is Not Good Enough.

     How many times have you looked at someone and thought, "I'm doing better than them."? Have you ever seen someone who is maybe making some bad choices and you think to yourself, "God is happier with me than He is with them. I'm better in God's eyes."?
     As humans, we tend to compare ourselves with other people. We compare our clothes, our wealth, our social status, our morals, our personality, everything! It is almost a sub conscience action that we don't mean to do half the time. However, God sees us as the same. When we are saved, we become one in the body of Christ. We are the same, we are free and we are forgiven. The Bible says quite frankly that God does not see one man as better than another.

For God does not show favoritism. -Romans 2:11 (NIV)

     I have had this mind set for a lot of my life. I look at something I've done that I'm not so happy about then I look for someone who's done something that I think is worse than my own actions and tell myself, "Well, they've committed an even bigger sin, so at least I'm better than them." I look to justify my own actions by telling myself I'm better off than them. 
     Let me ask you, if you saw someone steal a fancy camera out of a store, would you then steal a pack of batteries because it's not as valuable as that camera? Would you tell yourself that it's okay because the other guy stole something worth more, therefore committing a bigger crime? No, stealing is stealing. The same applies to sin. Sin is sin. There's no lesser sin and there's no sin that's the worst of them all. 
     Not only do we need to stop judging other people's actions as "worse" than ours, we need to own up to our own faults. Stop trying get out of taking responsibility. Yes, our sins are forgiven, there's no need to feel guilty, but we do need to take control of our own lives, not just compare ourselves to others. Concentrate on your own decisions and don't make excuses for yourself. It will make your life a lot less stressful.

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, 
and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. - Galations 6:4 (NLT)

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