Thursday, December 22, 2011

Curiosity Killed the.... Faith.

     People are smart. There is no question about it, we are the smartest creatures on our planet. We were designed that way and can use our intelligence in great ways. However, with the benefit of being smart comes the disadvantage of being smart. We question ourselves into confusion.
     How many little details are out there that Christians bicker about? How many times do people argue about what heaven will be like, why God doesn't heal amputees, if there even is a hell, ect. All these questions that Christians are "supposed" to know seem to swirl around us and cause us to become overwhelmed. You know what you say to those questions? "I don't know." Why is there shame in saying, "I don't know,"? Think back to when you're parents would make a decision that you didn't understand. Would it be necessary for you to know exactly why they made that choice? You'd probably ask until they would tell you that it's for the best or something. But you trusted them. When you were a baby and didn't understand the world at all, you trusted your parents to take care of you.
     God wants us to trust Him completely. We have no reason not to. We don't need to worry about why God did this, or why He didn't do that, or why the Bible says this, but doesn't cover that. We just need to remain in contact with God and trust His plan. The Bible doesn't tell you the answer to a question you have? No problem. We have constant access to God's wisdom through prayer. He'll give you the answer you need. But sometimes you just need to sit back and let God do the planning and working. He does know what He's doing and our curiosity and desire to know everything shouldn't hinder our trust. Sometimes we will be confused, scared or even demanding of an explanation, but those aren't feelings that are necessary.
     Now I'm not telling you not to be curious and seek answers, but rather to admit your own shortcomings when it comes to understanding God and His plans. Look for the answers, but also realize when to just trust in God. We won't have the answers to everything and to think we should damaged our faith in our Lord's plans.
     Do not feel obligated to give answers to these questions if they are thrown at you. Yes, we are to spread God's word, but if you don't know the answer, you're just spreading your own opinion. By saying, "I don't know," you are opening the gates so that God can teach you. If you admit you don't understand something, maybe some people will take it as a sign of weakness in faith, but ultimately God will then be able to help you. The next time that question comes around, you can then tell them exactly what God told you :)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. ~Proverbs 3:5

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